Configuring Kieker

  • Kieker uses a configuration file

  • Must be placed depending on application type (see related)

  • Different options to log data (refer to real info where by crosslink)


Add the following info to kieker configuration.

  • CSV logging file (storage on the monitoring system)

  • Binary logging file (storage on the monitoring system)

  • Compressed logging file (binary and CSV, storage on the monitoring system)

  • TCP binary stream (transfer to remote host)

    • Kieker binary transport protocol (two TCP connections supporting a prioritized second channel)

    • ExploreViz binary transport protocol (single TCP connection)

    • Modern Kieker binary transport protocol (experimental)

  • JMS object message transport (transfer to remote host)

  • JMX transport via notifications (transfer to remote host)

  • UNIX based named pipes (local transfer)

  • Database writer (experimental)

  • AMQP protocol message support (transfer to remote host)

Kieker Monitoring instances can be configured by properties files, Configuration objects, and by passing property values as JVM arguments. If no configuration is specified, a default configuration is used. The default configuration can be found here including documentation for all properties. Additional information can be found within the documentation of the Monitoring Controller, Monitoring Probes and Monitoring Writers. The default configuration properties file, which can be used as a template for custom configurations, is provided by the file in the directory examples/ directory of the binary release.

Configurations for Singleton Instances

In order to use a custom configuration file, its location needs to be passed to the JVM using the parameter kieker.monitoring.configuration as follows:

java -Dkieker.monitoring.configuration=<ANY-DIR>/ [...]

Alternatively, a file named can be placed in a directory called META-INF/ located in the classpath. The available configuration properties can also be passed as JVM arguments, e.g., -Dkieker.monitoring.enabled=true.

Configurations for Non-Singleton Instances

The class Configuration provides factory methods to create Configuration objects according to the default configuration or loaded from a specified properties file: createDefaultConfiguration, createConfigurationFromFile, and createSingletonConfiguration. Note, that JVM parameters are only evaluated when using the factory method createSingletonConfiguration. The returned Configuration objects can be adjusted by setting single property values using the method setProperty.