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Manual Monitoring with Kieker

In this section, we explain the preparations for application monitoring, the instrumentation of the application, and the actual monitoring.


In this example, the instrumentation is done manually. This means that the monitoring probe is implemented by mixing monitoring logic with business logic, which is often not desired since the resulting code is hard to maintain. Kieker includes probes based on AOP (aspect-oriented programming technology. However, to illustrate the instrumentation in detail, the quick start example uses manual instrumentation.

The first step is to copy the Kieker jar-file kieker-1.15.1-emf.jar to the lib/ directory of the example directory. The file is located in the kieker-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT/build/libs/ directory of the extracted Kieker archive (see download instructions). In the example directory for this section, this file is already included, as illustrated below.

  • examples/ - userguide/

    • ch2–manual-instrumentation/

      • build/ Directory for the Java class files

      • lib/ Directory for the required libraries

        • task ':emfJar' property 'archiveFileName'

      • src/ The directory for the source code files

The Java sources and pre-compiled binaries of the manually instrumented Bookstore application described in this section can be found in theexamples/userguide/ch2-manual-instrumentation/directory.

Kieker maintains monitoring data as so-called monitoring records. Section 3.3 describes how to define and use custom monitoring record types. The monitoring record type used in this example is an OperationExecutionRecord which is included in the Kieker distribution. The next figure shows the attributes which are relevant to this example. The record type definition can be found here.


Central event type classes in Kieker for Java

The attributes relevant to this part are operationSignature and hostname, as well as tin and tout for the timestamps before and after the call of the instrumented method. The following listing shows the instrumentation of the Bookstore class and its method searchBook(). In the lines 25 and 26, the monitoring controller is instantiated. It provides the monitoring service for the instrumentation.

 1private static final IMonitoringController MONITORING_CONTROLLER =
 2        MonitoringController.getInstance();
 4private final Catalog catalog = new Catalog();
 5private final CRM crm = new CRM(this.catalog);
 7public void searchBook() {
 8        // 1.) Call Catalog.getBook() and log its entry and exit timestamps.
 9        final long tin = MONITORING_CONTROLLER.getTimeSource().getTime();
10        this.catalog.getBook(false); // <-- the monitored execution
11        final long tout = MONITORING_CONTROLLER.getTimeSource().getTime();
12        final OperationExecutionRecord e = new OperationExecutionRecord(
13                "public void " + this.catalog.getClass().getName() +
14                ".getBook(boolean)",
15                OperationExecutionRecord.NO_SESSION_ID,
16                OperationExecutionRecord.NO_TRACE_ID,
17                tin, tout, "myHost",
18                OperationExecutionRecord.NO_EOI_ESS,
19                OperationExecutionRecord.NO_EOI_ESS);
21        MONITORING_CONTROLLER.newMonitoringRecord(e);
23        // 2.) Call the CRM catalog's getOffers() method (without monitoring).
24        this.crm.getOffers();

The lines 32 and 34 are used to determine the current time in nanoseconds before and after the getBook() call. In lines 36 to 42, a monitoring record for this measurement is created and initialized, passing the method signature, the hostname, and the two time values as arguments. Finally, the record is handed over to the monitoring controller (line 43) which calls a monitoring writer to persist the record. In this example, the filesystem writer is used – Kieker uses this writer by default when no other writer is specified, as detailed in Section 3.5. In addition to the instrumentation in the Bookstore class, the getOffers() method of the CRM class is instrumented as well. Similar to the Listing above, measurements are taken before and after the call of the catalog’s getBook() method, as shown in lines 36 and 38 of the Listing below. Not shown in the listing is the instantiation of the monitoring controller.However, it is done in the same way as illustrated above. Finally, a record is created (see lines 40–46) and stored by calling the monitoring controller (see line 47).


Fix section references

 1public void getOffers() {
 2        // 1.) Call Catalog.getBook() and log its entry and exit timestamps.
 3        final long tin = MONITORING_CONTROLLER.getTimeSource().getTime();
 4        this.catalog.getBook(false); // <-- the monitored execution
 5        final long tout = MONITORING_CONTROLLER.getTimeSource().getTime();
 6        final OperationExecutionRecord e = new OperationExecutionRecord(
 7                "public void " + this.catalog.getClass().getName() +
 8                ".getBook(boolean)",
 9                OperationExecutionRecord.NO_SESSION_ID,
10                OperationExecutionRecord.NO_TRACE_ID,
11                tin, tout, "myHost",
12                OperationExecutionRecord.NO_EOI_ESS,
13                OperationExecutionRecord.NO_EOI_ESS);
14        MONITORING_CONTROLLER.newMonitoringRecord(e);

The next step after instrumenting the code is running the instrumented application. Below we show the commands to compile and run the application under UNIX-like systems and Windows. The expected working directory is the base directory of this example, i.e. examples/userguide/ch2-manual-instrumentation/.

javac src/kieker/examples/userguide/ch2bookstore/manual/∗.java \
        -classpath lib/kieker-1.15.1-emf.jar -d build/

java -classpath build/:lib/kieker-1.15.1-emf.jar \

Under Windows it is necessary to separate the classpath elements by a semicolon instead of a colon. Also, we recommend to use the Windows shell cmd.exe for this tutorial since problems have been reported for the Windows PowerShell. Also input each command on one line

javac src\kieker\examples\userguide\ch2bookstore\manual\∗.java
        -classpath lib\kieker-1.15.1-emf.jar -d build\

java -classpath build\;lib\kieker-1.15.1-emf.jar

If everything worked correctly, a new directory for the monitoring data with a name similar to kieker-20120402-163314855-UTC-myHost-KIEKER-SINGLETON/ is created (compare structure below). In Kieker’s default configuration, the log directory can be found in the default temporary directory: under UNIX-like systems, this is typically /tmp/; check the environment variables $TMPDIR or %temp% for the location under MacOS or Windows respectively. The exact location of the created monitoring log is reported in Kieker’s console output (see for example Appendix H.1).


Resolve this broken reference to the appendix.

The monitoring directory contains two types of files: .dat files containing text representations of the monitoring records and a file namedkieker.mapwhich contains information on the types of monitoring records used.

  • /tmp/

    • kieker-20130910-120352847-UTC-myHost-KIEKER-SINGLETON/


      • kieker-20120402-163314882-UTC–000-Thread-1.dat


Fix listing references.

The Listings 2.11 and 2.12 show example file contents. The .dat-file is saved in CSV format (Comma Separated Values) - in this case, the values of a monitoring record are separated by semicolons. To understand the .dat - file structure the semantics have to be explained. For this quick start example only some of the values are relevant. The first value $1 indicates the record type. The fourth value indicates the class and method which has been called. And the seventh and eighth value are the start and end time of the execution of the called method.

$1;1378814632852360525;public void kieker.examples.userguide.ch2bookstore.manual.Catalog.getBook(boolean);<no−session−id>;−1;1378814632849896821;1378814632852105483;myHost;−1;−1

The second file is a simple mapping file referencing keys to monitoring record types. In the mapping file the key $1 is mapped to the type of operation execution records which were used in the monitoring. The key value corresponds to the key values in the .dat-file.


By the end of this section, two Java classes of the Bookstore application have been manually instrumented using Kieker.Monitoring and at least one run of the instrumented application has been performed. The resulting monitoring log, written to the .dat-file in CSV format, could already be used for analysis or visualization by any spreadsheet or statistical tool. The next step in this tutorial is to show how to process this monitoring data with Kieker.Analysis.