AspectJ Instrumentation Example

AspectJ allows to weave code into the byte code of Java applications and libraries without requiring manual modifications of the source code. We show below how to use Java annotation to instrument code and how to do this without any change of the source code. Kieker includes the AspectJ-based monitoring probes

  • OperationExecutionAspectAnnotation,

  • OperationExecutionAspectAnnotationServlet,

  • OperationExecutionAspectFull, and

  • OperationEx-ecutionAspectFullServlet

which can be woven into Java applications at compile time and load time. These probes monitor method executions and corresponding trace and timing information. The probes with the postfixServletstore a session identifier within theOperationExecutionRecord. When the probes with name elementAnnotationare used, methods to be monitored must be annotated by the Kieker annotation@OperationExecutionMonitoringProbe.

This section demonstrates how to use the AspectJ-based probes to monitor traces based on the Bookstore application.

The Java sources of the example presented in this section, as well as a pre-compiled binary, can be found in theexamples/userguide/ch5-trace-monitoring-aspectj/directory of the binary release.

The directory structure used in this example is as follows:

  • examples

    • userguide/

      • ch5–trace-monitoring-aspectj/

        • build/ Directory for the Java class files

        • libs/

          • BookstoreApplication.jar

        • gradle/

          • wrapper/ Directory for the gradle wrapper

          • lib/Directory for the needed libraries

            • task ':aspectJJar' property 'archiveFileName'

          • src/kieker/examples/userguide/ch5bookstore/ Directory for the source code files






          • src-resources/META-INF/ Directory for the configuration files

            • aop.xml

            • aop-event.xml

            • aop-full.xml

            • kieker.monitoring.adaptiveMonitoring.conf


            • build.gradle

        • gradlew

        • gradlew.bat

        • README.txt

The jar-filetask ':aspectJJar' property 'archiveFileName'already includes the AspectJ weaver, which is registered with the JVM and weaves the monitoring instrumentation into the Java classes. It will be configured based on the configuration fileaop.xml, for which a working sample file is provided in the example’sMETA-INF/directory. Instead of registering thetask ':aspectJJar' property 'archiveFileName'as an agent to the JVM, theaspectjweaver-1.8.2.jarcan be used. In this case, thetask ':mainJar' property 'archiveFileName'needs to be added to the classpath.

Instrumentation by Annotation

Once the necessary files have been copied to the example directory, the source code can be instrumented with the annotation OperationExecutionMonitoringProbe. The below listing shows how the annotation is used.

 1public class Bookstore {
 3     private final Catalog catalog = new Catalog();
 4     private final CRM crm = new CRM(this.catalog);
 6     @OperationExecutionMonitoringProbe
 7     public void searchBook() {
 8          this.catalog.getBook(false);
 9          this.crm.getOffers();
10     }

As a first example, each method of the Bookstore application will be annotated. The annotation can be used to instrument all methods except for constructors.The aop.xml file has to be modified to specify the classes to be considered for instrumentation by the AspectJ weaver. The listing below shows the modified configuration file.

1<!DOCTYPE aspectj PUBLIC "-//AspectJ//DTD//EN" "">
3   <weaver options="">
4      <include within="kieker.examples.userguide.ch5bookstore..*"/>
5   </weaver>
6   <aspects>
7      <aspect name="kieker.monitoring.probe.aspectj.operationExecution.OperationExecutionAspectAnnotation"/>
8   </aspects>

Line 5 tells the AspectJ weaver to consider all classes inside the example package. AspectJ allows to use wildcards for the definition of classes to include, e.g., <include within=”bookstoreTracing.Bookstore∗”/> to weave all classes with the prefix Bookstore located in apackage bookstoreTracing. Line 9 specifies the aspect to be woven into the classes. In this case, the Kieker probe OperationExecutionAspectAnnotation is used. It requires that methods intended tobe instrumented are annotated by @OperationExecutionMonitoringProbe, as mentioned before. Below we show how to compile and run the annotated Bookstore application. The aop.xml must be located in a META-INF/ directory in the classpath – in this case the build/ directory. The AspectJ weaver has to be loaded as a so-called Java-agent. It weaves the monitoring aspect into the byte code of the Bookstore application. Additionally, a is copied to the META-INF/ directory. This configuration file may be adjusted as desired.

Unix version:

1mkdir build/META−INF
2javac src/kieker/examples/userguide/ch5bookstore/∗.java \
3   -d build/ -classpath lib/task ':aspectJJar' property 'archiveFileName'
5cp src−resources/META−INF/aop.xml build/META−INF/
6cp src−resources/META−INF/ build/META−INF/
8java -javaagent:lib/task ':aspectJJar' property 'archiveFileName' \
9   -classpath build/ kieker.examples.userguide.ch5bookstore.BookstoreStarter

Windows version:

 1mkdir build\META−INF
 3javac src\kieker\examples\userguide\ch5bookstore\∗.java
 4   -d build -classpathlib\task ':aspectJJar' property 'archiveFileName'
 6copy src−resources\META−INF\aop.xml build\META−INF\
 7copy src−resources\META−INF\ build\META−INF\
 9java -javaagent:lib\task ':aspectJJar' property 'archiveFileName'
10   -classpath build\kieker.examples.userguide.ch5bookstore.BookstoreStarter

After a complete run of the application, the monitoring files should appear in the same way as described in manual instrumentation including the additional trace information.

Instrumentation without Changing the Code

Instrumentation without annotations AspectJ-based instrumentation without using annotations is quite simple. It is only necessary to modify the fileaop.xml, as shown in the following listing. In the example directory a prepared version is provided named aop-full.xml.

1<!DOCTYPE aspectj PUBLIC "-//AspectJ//DTD//EN" "">
3   <weaver options="">
4      <include within="kieker.examples.userguide.ch5bookstore..*"/>
5   </weaver>
6   <aspects>
7      <aspect name="kieker.monitoring.probe.aspectj.operationExecution.OperationExecutionAspectFull"/>
8   </aspects>

The alternative aspect OperationExecutionAspectFull is being activated in line 9. As indicated by its name, this aspect makes sure that every method within the included classes/packages will be instrumented and monitored. Line 5 illustrates how to limit the instrumented methods to those of the classBookstoreStarter.

This configuration file may be adjusted as desired. Please note here the aop-full.xml is copied to the META-INF folder and renamed to aop.xml, as this is necessary for AspectJ to find the aspect configuration.

Unix version:

 1mkdir build/META−INF
 3javac src/kieker/examples/userguide/ch5bookstore/∗.java \
 4   -d build/ -classpath lib/task ':aspectJJar' property 'archiveFileName'
 6cp src−resources/META−INF/aop-full.xml build/META−INF/aop.xml
 7cp src−resources/META−INF/ build/META−INF/
 9java -javaagent:lib/task ':aspectJJar' property 'archiveFileName' \
10   -classpath build/ kieker.examples.userguide.ch5bookstore.BookstoreStarter

Windows version:

 1mkdir build\META−INF
 3javac src\kieker\examples\userguide\ch5bookstore\∗.java
 4   -d build -classpathlib\task ':aspectJJar' property 'archiveFileName'
 6copy src−resources\META−INF\aop-full.xml build\META−INF\aop.xml
 7copy src−resources\META−INF\ build\META−INF\
 9java -javaagent:lib\task ':aspectJJar' property 'archiveFileName'
10   -classpath build\kieker.examples.userguide.ch5bookstore.BookstoreStarter

After a complete run of the application, the monitoring files should appear in the same way as described in manual instrumentation including the additional trace information.