.. _tutorials-how-to-pass-the-monitoring-configuration-to-kieker: How to pass the monitoring configuration to Kieker ================================================== The Kieker Monitoring Controller checks several locations for the kieker configuration. Initially, Kieker tries to read ``META-INF/kieker.monitoring.default.properties`` file. If it cannot read this file it uses the built in defaults for the configuration. Subsequently, Kieker checks whether the ``kieker.monitoring.configuration`` JVM parameter is set and tries to load the configuration from there. To provide an alternative location for a Kieker configuration in context of command line applications, please add ``-Dkieker.monitoring.configuration=FULL_PATH_TO_LOCATION`` to the java set of parameters, e.g., ``java -Dkieker.monitoring.configuration=/myconfiguration -jar MyApplication.jar`` For war file, add your configuration to the ``META-INF`` folder or pass the property to the server, e.g., tomcat.