.. _tutorials-how-to-configure-kieker-within-java-applications: How to configure Kieker within Java-Applications and -Services ============================================================== There are three scenarios where Kieker configuration parameters can be used Java applications and must be configured on command line or startup scripts. 1. Normal Java application without Kieker parts which should be instrumented and observed 2. Java applications which has already Kieker integrated or woven in with AspectJ 3. Java application which uses Kieker directly and accepts an Kieker property file Normal Java Application ----------------------- This works largely like the second option. However, you have to add the Kieker agent to the java invocation. Application with integrated Kieker at Compile or Bundling Time -------------------------------------------------------------- In case you have an application which need Kieker configuration parameters set, but which does not provide a command line option for such configuration file can add ``-Dkieker.monitoring.configuration=$CONFIGUATION_FILE`` to the java invocation statement. In many `gradle `_-based builds this can be achieved by using the ``*_OPTS`` environment variable. The * represents the name of the tool. Kieker-based Application ------------------------ Add your configuration parameters to the application's configuration file