.. _kieker-tools-rewrite-log-entries: Rewrite Log Entries =================== This tool has 4 parameters and can be used to replace function pointer references by function signatures produced by kieker-lang-pack-c instrumentations. ===== ====================== ======== ============================================================= Short Long Required Description ===== ====================== ======== ============================================================= -i --input yes input kieker log directory -o --output yes path where the output kieker log is placed -a yes the location of the addr2line executable to resolve the names -m yes the executable to be analyzed by addr2line ===== ====================== ======== ============================================================= The dar tool can process kieker-lang-pack-c files directly, but the trace-analysis tools cannot resolve function names. In these cases rewrite-log-entries can help to add human comprehensible function and module/class/component descriptions.