.. _kieker-tools-mt: Manipulate Table ================ This tools can be used to process MoveOperationEntry based tables which have a source-component-name, target-component-name, and operation-name column. It can sort and cluster table entries. It is possible to use both together. However, the sorter does not honor the changes by the clusterer. Thus, applying both may lead to unwanted results. The tool first clusteres entries by their operation name and then sorts them. ===== ===================== ======== ====================================================== Short Long Required Description ===== ===================== ======== ====================================================== -i --input yes Input table path -o --output yes Output table path -s --sort Sort column by the specified criteria. The argument accepts a list of column names separated by commas. Each column name must be suffixed by a : and the sort direction, .i.e, ascending or descending -p --min-ptr Clustering min ptr value for the optics clusterer (default 1) -d --clustering-distance Minimum clustering distance for name clustering ===== ===================== ======== ====================================================== Example sort ``` mt -i input.csv -o output.csv -s operation-name:ascending,target-component-name:descending ``` Example cluster ``` mt -i input.csv -o output.csv -d 0.11 ```