.. _kieker-tools-fxca: FXTran Code Analysis ==================== Fxtran is a Fortran parser which outputs an XML based AST. fxca processes this AST and outputs CSV files for calls, dataflows, components and data storages. ===== ====================== ======== ====================================================== Short Long Required Description ===== ====================== ======== ====================================================== -d --default-component no In case callees are identified that do not have an implementation in the code, assign the callee to this operation. --eol no End of line symbol, Default is system dependent -f --flat no Scan source directories flat, i.e. not in recusrive mode, default is scan recursively -i --input yes One or more paths to fxtran-generated XML files. -l --library-functions no Map files for built-in and other runtime functions. -o --output yes Path where the output files are placed. ===== ====================== ======== ======================================================